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Contact: Amy Giglio, Bazaar Liaison/Centenary, 869-5136; Zoe Ramsey, Book Bazaar Chairman, 797-4278; Book House Phone (Mon & Wed), 219-3409; or Anne Buckley, Muses President, 861-6565

Centenary Book Bazaar Needs Hardcover Books; Centenary Group Offers Assistance with Donations on May 10

The Centenary Book Bazaar needs recent hardcover books in good condition, both fiction and nonfiction. To make it easy for people to donate, the Centenary Muses, sponsor of the event, are planning an assisted donation day on May 10 at the bazaar’s Book House at 108 East Kings Highway. On that date volunteers will be on hand from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. to unload books.

“We know this is a busy time for people who are planning to move,” said Zoe Ramsey, bazaar chair. “We are happy to take books so people don’t have to pay to move them from one house or city to another.” If a book collection is too large to fit into the trunk of a car, the Muses can arrange for pick-up. Donors with large collections can call the Book House at 219-3409 or the Centenary development office at 869-5136 to make arrangements.

Donors who can’t give on that day can take advantage of the large protected book bins in front of the Book House can be used for donations at times. Volunteers unload the bins at least twice a week, more often at peak times.

“We try to make it easy for people to give us their books,” Ramsey said. “People who love books want to be sure they are enjoyed by others—it’s hard for a reader to simply throw a book away. A donation to our bazaar offers them the chance to give their books a new life and to help students at Centenary at the same time.”

The Muses accept books, CDs and videotapes in good condition. Condition is important to the resale value of a book. Not accepted are textbooks over five years old (other than literature and history), Reader’s Digest Condensed Books, and National Geographic magazines. Funds from the bazaar go toward student projects and activities that are not covered by the college budget, including student travel through the Carolyn Flournoy International Travel Fund.


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