(March 31, 2014)

Centenary serves neighbors as part of annual BIG Event

SHREVEPORT, LA — More than 150 Centenary students forwent their coveted Saturday morning to partake in the 7th annual BIG Event, participating in service projects across the Shreveport community.

BIG Event 7
Students take a break for the camera while doing yard work at a home in the Centenary neighborhood.

The BIG Event is a student-led day of volunteering during which the Centenary students, faculty, and staff go into the community to beautify and enhance the surrounding neighborhoods that have supported the College for over one hundred years. Students worked a variety of jobs including raking, trimming hedges and bushes, painting, washing shutters and windows.

"Having been part of the BIG Event staff for the last three years, it was very rewarding to see all of our hard work pay off," said Candace Metoyer '14, Assistant Director of the BIG Event Executive Board. "I loved getting phone calls from community members thanking us for the work my peers had done and how grateful they were for the difference we had made."

The sites served Saturday included the Food Bank of Northwest Louisiana, the Fuller Center Surplus Store, Community Renewal Friendship House, the MLK Health Center, Salvation Army, the Sankofa Community Garden, Common Ground, and local residences near campus.

Hundreds of Centenary students have participated every year since its inception in 2008.